Conducting traffic congestion countermeasure experiments by promoting the use of driving lanes

Conducting a lane utilization leveling experiment using LED signs

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What is a traffic jam countermeasure experiment by promoting the use of driving lanes

NEXCO EAST has been conducting traffic congestion countermeasure experiments by promoting the use of driving lanes, mainly for the purpose of alleviating traffic congestion during holidays and traffic congestion. In this experiment, we ask you to use the left lane (driving lane) with an LED sign to prevent traffic congestion from occurring in the overtaking lane.

We also inform you in the flyer チラシでもお知らせしております チラシでもお知らせしております
↑ We also announce it in the flyer
Driving (experimental) image
↑ Running (experimental) image
Banner image
↑ Banner image


On holidays from October to November 2017, we conducted a traffic jam countermeasure experiment by promoting the use of driving lanes.

By installing LED signs and calling for the use of driving lanes, the lanes were used evenly, and the use of overtaking lanes was reduced, confirming the effect of reducing traffic congestion.


Mechanism and preventive measures that cause congestion from the passing lane

1. Some cars drive slowly in the driving lane
2. In the driving lane, the car behind you avoids the slow car and changes lanes
3.Vehicles are concentrated in the overtaking lane, forming a group of vehicles with narrow spaces
4. In the overtaking lane group, when one brakes for some reason, it immediately propagates to the following cars, stepping on the brakes one after another, and the flow becomes stagnant.
5. Even in the driving lane, the succeeding vehicles slow down one after another, resulting in stagnation and congestion.

Latest test date and time and test location

The experiment will be conducted on the following schedule. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation in order to prevent traffic congestion.

date Time zone section Content
2019 From November 2nd to December 1st
11 days every Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
Each day
From 10:00 to 17:00
(7 hours)
E4 Tohoku Expressway In-bound Line
Utsunomiya IC-Yaita IC
Display messages using LED signs
Experiment date and time

Locations with LED signs

As shown in the figure below, an LED sign will be installed and a message will be displayed asking you to use the left lane.

E4 Tohoku Expressway (In-bound line) Yaita IC → Utsunomiya IC experimental image

[E4] Tohoku Expressway (In-bound) Yaita IC → Utsunomiya IC image

Efforts related to other traffic jams

About Key Left

Expressway and is "keep left" in the (left lane running), is to run the driving lane except when overtaking.

The key left is also stipulated by law, and keeping the vehicle in the overtaking lane may violate the Road Traffic Act (Article 20 of the same law).

Immediately after passing, let's return to the driving lane.

About traffic information including traffic jam information

(1) NEXCO EAST 's other measures against traffic congestion(2) Road traffic information that can be obtained before going out
  • NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター
  • NEXCO EAST Road Traffic Information Site "DraTra "
    [PC]External link: separate window display
  • Price search / route search "DraPla "
    [PC]External link: separate window display
    [Mobile app]External link: separate window display