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Overview of 4-lane section

Location map

Location map

Schematic of 4-lane operation start section

  • Schematic of 4-lane operation start section
  • Schematic of 4-lane operation start section
  • Schematic of 4-lane operation start section

Overview of the Joshin-Etsu Expressway 4-lane business section

  • Road name: E18 Joshin-Etsu Expressway
  • 4 lanes: Shinanomachi IC (Nojiri, Shinanomachi, Kamimizunai District, Nagano Prefecture)
    Business segment-Joetsu JCT (Nakayashiki, Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture)
  • Section extension: 37.5km (4 lane construction extension: 24.7km)
  • E18 Joshin-Etsu Expressway is E17 Kan-Etsu Expressway From Fujioka JCT to Gunma prefecture, Nagano prefecture, Niigata prefecture and Joetsu JCT. E8 It is Expressway with a total extension of about 203km that connects to Hokuriku Expressway.
  • Of this, we have been constructing 4 lanes between Shinanomachi IC and Joetsu JCT for 37.5 km, but on December 7, last year we started operation of 4 lanes at 15.9 km in the same section, and an additional lane has already been installed Combined with 12.8km, 28.7km, which is about 80% of the same section, has four lanes.
  • This section passes through one of Japan's leading heavy snowfall areas, and it has a steep slope where the elevation rises from 40m on the Sea of Japan side (near Joetsu JCT) to 680m on the Nagano side (near Shinanomachi IC). It has become.

Longitudinal section between Shinanomachi IC and Joetsu JCT

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