Current regulation schedule is here

About half a century has passed since its birth, and the Expressway is aging. To connect safety and security to the next generation, We are carrying out large-scale renewal work on bridges and tunnels.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by traffic congestion or detours. We will work to minimize the impact of construction, Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Current Regulations/ Traffic Congestion Forecast

The critical situation of aging expressways.

The Expressway are aging now. With the deterioration of bridges and tunnels, the Expressway that have been supporting Japan's economy and life are secretly screaming.

In addition to the aging that comes with years past, the increase in the number of large-sized vehicles and in the total weight of vehicles, the spraying of antifreeze and more have made the aging worse.​​ 

To pursue 100% safety and 100% security

Expressway play an important role as an emergency transportation route in the event of disasters such as the Great East Japan Earthquake, heavy rain and heavy snow, as well as supporting lifestyles and economic activities.

In order to continue fulfilling the role of the network supporting the infrastructure such as economy, politics, medical care and disaster prevention, we need to guarantee safe and secure expressways in the future and maintain the functioning of the expressway network in the long run. To achieve this,​ It is necessary to take drastic measures now.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation for the future constructions.​​ 

We may cause inconvenience with traffic regulations for large-scale constructions such as a bridge replacement or tunnel renovation.
In order to reduce the social impacts accompanying traffic regulations as much as possible, we are dedicated to sharing the right and thorough information with expressway drivers and people living alongside constructions, while providing appropriate detour paths with notifications about them, coming up with wise plans for traffic regulations and attempting to reduce construction.

We are ensuring expressways that are safe and secure for future generations. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.​​ 

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