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Maintenance, repair, materials, machinery

S&SD drain (舗装浸透水排水装置)

Patent No. 6220638

NEXCO East Japan Engineering Co., Ltd.
Product Summary

NETIS Registration Number: KT-180075-A


S&SD drain is a bridge drainage device that quickly drains road surface water and water retention on the floor slab.
There are TYPE-A that drains road surface water and seepage water, and TYPE-B that drains only seepage water.

① Drainage of road surface water (TYPE-A)

Rainwater that has accumulated on the shoulders will be quickly drained from the grating dome.

② Drainage of seepage water (TYPE-A, TYPE-B)

The permeated water that permeates from the pavement and stays on the upper surface of the floor slab waterproofing layer is quickly drained from the drain holes on the side of the head.

③ Prevention of clogging in drainage pipe (TYPE-A)

The grating dome and double pipe structure prevent clogging of the drainage pipe due to dirt and dust.
If the drain pipe becomes clogged, you can open the grating dome for cleaning.

④Structure with excellent corrosion resistance (TYPE-A, TYPE-B)

Stainless steel (equivalent to SUS 316) with excellent corrosion resistance is used for the grating dome and head.
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