Maintenance, repair, materials, machinery

Precast RC/Smart Wall

Patent No. 5688937

NEXCO Maintenance Niigata Co., Ltd.
Product Summary
Cross-section restoration of concrete structures (bridge wall balustrade, tunnel observer passage side wall, etc.)
A precast RC panel was installed as a formwork, and by filling the interior with grout mortar, it was integrated to realize a quick and cheap repair of concrete structures.
  1. It can be installed in the rebar cover and integrated by using it as a residual form
  2. 従来工法(型枠工法、吹付工法等)と比較し、工期の短縮、工事費の縮減に効果
  3. Ensuring high quality through reliable manufacturing control at secondary product factories
  4. High-performance type (t=2cm) under development...Developing with the aim of improving long-term salt barrier performance, shortening the construction period, and further improving economic efficiency by improving to high-strength concrete specifications
Achievements (sales/construction/introduction)

Our company:


Manufacturer: Choei Kogyo Co., Ltd.

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