HOME> Traffic management and facility equipment

Traffic management/facility equipment

We will introduce products that protect the safety of customers who use Expressway and products that can improve work on site.

    Lost property prevention tray

  • Toilet private room tablet lock and accessory storage tray are integrated.
    Since you need to rotate the accessory tray when unlocking, you can prevent lost items.

    Wire rope type fence fence emergency cutter

  • A manual hydraulic cutter for cutting wire rope type guard fences that can safely, quickly and reliably cut wire rope in the event of an emergency such as a traffic accident.

    Wedge hump (Reverse run prevention device)

  • It is a reverse running prevention device that warns you by the feeling of vibration and shock noise.

    Q Den (LED type speed regulation sign power supply device)

  • It is a device that automatically displays when the LED type speed regulation sign fails or fails.

    Product details

    高耐久性吹流し **MPRO® 吹流し**

  • By eliminating the ring-shaped sewn area, tensile strength and durability are improved and low cost is realized.

    **MPRO® ワンタッチポール**

  • The labor of putting on and taking off the pole for snow removal work is saved.

    **MPRO® ワイヤロープ・スペーサー**

  • ワイヤロープ事故復旧工事の必需品!

    Collision prevention for snow and ice work Safety line

  • A green line is displayed on the road surface behind the snow and ice work vehicle to prevent collision with the work vehicle.

    Toilet use status indicator

  • It is an indicator that allows you to easily check the usage status of the toilet booth in the back and is easy to install.

    Motorway Intrusion detection system

  • Intruders on Expressway are detected in real time by image analysis.

    Toilet lost article prevention system

  • Infrared sensors are installed on the shelves of private toilets, and voice guidance is provided for lost items by opening and closing the door.
    You can expect to reduce the loss of items left in the toilet or inquiries about lost items.

    Product details

    Restroom fullness display system

  • You can immediately check the empty booth by displaying the usage status of the toilet on the monitor installed at the entrance of the toilet.

    Product details

    Optical fiber code marker (Working mark)

  • Important Prevents failures due to incorrect insertion and removal of communication circuits.

    Emergency telephone remote inspection system

  • 現場に⾏かずに遠隔地から⾮常電話の受話器と回線も含めた通話の正常性確認と、お客さまへのサービス向上ができます。


  • GPSの緯度経度情報を利用して高速道路のキロポストをリアルタイムに表示します。
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