Environmental management initiatives

Environmental management

Changes in CO2 emissions related to maintenance

By analyzing and assessing the status of environmental conservation every year, we will carry out our efforts sustainably and effectively.

Approximately 90% of CO2 emissions related to maintenance are due to the use of electricity such as tunnel lighting and road equipment. Since reducing electricity consumption leads to reductions in CO2 emissions and energy resources, we are promoting the upgrade of equipment to energy-saving types and the efficient operation of equipment. As a result, CO2 emissions per 1 km of management extension were 50.8 tons-CO2 in FY2018, which is about 23% less than 66.3 tons-CO2 in FY2007.

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Image of changes in CO2 emissions related to maintenance Image 2

Changes in CO2 emissions related to office activities

By analyzing and assessing the status of environmental conservation every year, we will carry out our efforts sustainably and effectively.

We are working to reduce the amount of energy used in the office by using Cool Biz, Warm Biz, turning off the lights, and introducing hybrid vehicles. In fiscal 2018, we used approximately 3,900 kl, which is approximately 30% less than in fiscal 2009 (approximately 6,100 kl), which is the base year when we started counting.

Image of changes in CO2 emissions related to office activities


Actively engage in environmental activities and education

We will publish the results of environmental management in the "CSR Report" to communicate with society. We will engage in social and environmental activities in collaboration with local people, local governments, and the national government.

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Image of actively working on environmental activities and environmental education Image 2

Employee training

Fostering a corporate culture

Through employee education, we will raise employee awareness of the environment and foster a corporate culture.

Image of planting work at a rest facility
Planting work at a rest facility
Image image of biotope explanation for elementary school students
Explanation of biotope to elementary school students