Held result (2011) of business evaluation monitoring committee
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- Held result (2011) of business evaluation monitoring committee
December 6, 2011
The 2011 East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Business Evaluation and Monitoring Committee was held.
event date
Tuesday, December 6, 2011 13: 30-16: 00
Deliberation of 7 projects subject to re-evaluation
Committee materials
- Agenda / Member List [PDF: 86KB]
- Document-1 (Detailed rules regarding the establishment of the Business Evaluation and Monitoring Committee) [PDF: 113KB]
- Document-2 (List of projects targeted for 2011 business evaluation) [PDF: 1.1MB]
- Document-3 (2011 Business Evaluation Monitoring Committee Deliberation Method (Draft)) [PDF: 464KB]
- Document-4 (1) (Hokkaido Transverse Expressway (Onuma-Kunisashi)) [PDF: 5.2MB]
- Document-4 (2) (Hokkaido crossing Expressway (Yoichi-Otaru JCT)) [PDF: 4.2MB]
- Document-4 (3) (Joban Expressway (Joban Tomioka-Shinchi), Joban Expressway (Shinchi-Yamamoto)) [PDF: 3.3MB]
- Document-4 (4) (Tohoku-Chuo Expressway (Nanyo Takahata-Yamagata Kamiyama)) [PDF: 3.7MB]
- Document-4 (5) (Higashi-Kanto Expressway Mito Line (Misato-Takaya JCT) [PDF: 3.2MB]
- Document-4 (6) (Higashi-Kanto Expressway Mito Line (Hokota-Ibarakicho JCT) [PDF: 2.5MB]
- The proceedings summary [PDF: 70KB]

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