About conduct of crime prevention field training for the end of the year busy season

-[E38] Doto Expressway Memuro Toll Gate-

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  • About conduct of crime prevention field training for the end of the year busy season

December 5, 2017
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office Obihiro management office
NEXCO SUPPORT Hokkaido Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST Obihiro management office (Hadong-gun Otofuke-cho) and the Corporation NEXCO support Hokkaido (Sapporo Atsubetsu District) is, E38 Doto Expressway Memuro Toll Gate, we will carry out a crime prevention drill for the busy season at the end of the year in cooperation with the Hokkaido Police Department Kushiro Obihiro Police Station.

This training will be conducted for the purpose of verifying the crime prevention system at the toll booths on the Expressway, raising the awareness of crime prevention by the toll gate staff, and establishing appropriate emergency measures and emergency contact system.

1 Implementation date

December 12 (Tuesday) 10: 00 - 11: 00 2017

2 Implementation place

Doto Expressway Memuro Toll Gate
(6-39, Shoei Nishi 12 Line, Memuro Town, Kasai District)

3 Participating institutions

Hokkaido Police Kushiro Obihiro Police Station
NEXCO EAST Obihiro Management Office
NEXCO Support Co., Ltd. Hokkaido Obihiro Tariff Division

4 Implementation contents

The criminal visited the Memuro toll booth in the guise of a customer using a Expressway, hid himself outside in the vicinity of the employee entrance, and then used a weapon (handgun, cutlery, etc.) on the way back to the toll booth to change work. ), take the cash trunk case you had, and carry out the training on the assumption that you will escape to the general road. (The criminal is a police officer.)

[Image] State implemented at another tollgate office

Image image of implementation at another tollgate office
Image image of implementation at another tollgate office
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