Initiatives for health management
- Corporate Top
- Company information
- Corporate governance
- Initiatives for health management
1. Action policy
Our social mission is to provide safe, secure, comfortable, and convenient Expressway services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and to contribute to the development of local communities and the revitalization of the Japanese economy. In order to continue to fulfill this social mission at a high level, the health of each and every employee is important.In addition to creating an environment in which employees can play an active role in good health, each employee needs to be aware of and take responsibility for their own health. I have. NEXCO EAST will continue to improve the working environment and maintain and improve the health of employees so that each employee can work in a healthy and rewarding environment, so that employees can maximize their abilities and play an active role. I will work on it.
Director and Managing Executive Officer Minoru Shiina
(Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Promotion Committee)
basic principle
NEXCO EAST Group recognizes that ensuring the safety and promoting the health of all people involved in the business of the group is the basis of business implementation, and the group will work together to create a safe and comfortable working environment. We will strive to maintain and improve
Basic policy
Based on our basic philosophy, we will continue to make constant efforts in accordance with the following basic policies to maintain and improve a safe and comfortable working environment.
- East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd., Ltd. will comply with various laws and regulations related to occupational safety and health related to business.
- East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. will establish the necessary system to promote occupational safety and health.
- East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. takes appropriate measures to prevent danger and health problems, and strives for continuous improvement.
- East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. grasps the necessary information on occupational safety and health, disseminates it in an appropriate manner, and engages in education and enlightenment activities.
- East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd., Ltd. will work with group companies to maintain and improve a safe and comfortable working environment for the entire group.
2. Problems to be solved by health management
- Increased productivity
To create an environment in which employees and their families can live a bright and healthy life, and where employees can fully demonstrate their abilities and play an active role. - Improving health literacy
To support each employee to proactively work on physical and mental health while maintaining awareness of protecting their own health. - tissue activation
Promote the improvement of motivation of each employee and foster a sense of unity in the workplace.
3. Effort system
Based on our basic philosophy and policy, we have established an Occupational Health and Safety Promotion Committee chaired by the director in charge of human resources to ensure the safety and maintain and improve the health of our employees.

Four. Main efforts
- health care
In addition to regular health checkups in spring (mandated by law), health checkups are conducted in autumn to maintain and improve the health of employees.
In addition, nurses are stationed at each regional base, and health consultations are carried out at each business site. - mental health care
We conduct stress checks, regularly monitor the mental health of employees, and take steps to improve them. In addition, we provide rank-based mental health training to acquire knowledge about self-care and line care.
We have placed psychological counselors at each regional base to provide assistance in recognizing stress, provide mental health education, and provide counseling services. - Health Promotion
In cooperation with the health insurance association, we hold a walking campaign twice a year for the purpose of maintaining good health and preventing illness, and are working to prevent lifestyle-related diseases. - Support for workplace recreation
We support activities that contribute to improving health and promoting communication in the workplace. - Responding to health issues unique to women
From fiscal 2022, we will hold seminars on the general theme of women's health issues in order to recognize and support women's health issues so that women can demonstrate their abilities in good health.
Five. Data on occupational safety
Items | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Health checkup rate | 100.0% | 100.0% | 100.0% |
Percentage of people eligible for specific health guidance | 21.8% | 18.6% | 19.5% |
Stress check participation rate | 98.5% | 99.0% | 99.2% |
Percentage of people with high stress | 5.7% | 5.4% | 5.4% |
Walking campaign participation rate | 26.3% | 23.2% | 39.3% |
smoking rate | 20.7% | 20.4% | 19.8% |
6. External evaluation
Our company has been certified as a Health and Productivity Management Organization since FY2019, in recognition of our various health promotion activities aimed at reforming health awareness, changing behavior, and supporting retention.
Centered on the Occupational Safety and Health Promotion Committee, we will continue to promote health and productivity management in cooperation with industrial health staff (industrial physicians and nurses), each workplace, and the health insurance association.

- “Health Management®” is a registered trademark of the NPO Health Management Research Institute.