Joban Expressway Namie IC-Minamisoma IC, Soma IC-Yamamoto IC
<Breaking news one week after opening>
We will inform about the traffic volume of the newly opened Joban Expressway

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  • Joban Expressway Namie IC-Minamisoma IC, Soma IC-Yamamoto IC <Broadcast 1 week after opening> We will inform you about the traffic volume of the newly opened Joban Expressway

December 19, 2014
Tohoku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
East Japan Expressway Tohoku Regional Head Office

Joban Expressway Namie IC-Minamisoma IC (18.4km) and Soma IC-Yamamoto IC (23.3km) were opened on Saturday, December 6th. We will inform you about the traffic situation (preliminary value) after the opening. Going forward, we will continue to sequentially survey and organize traffic volume trends and the effects of opening traffic.

The Joban Expressway was opened on Saturday, December 6th.
  • The traffic volume for the opening week is 1,300 vehicles/day between Namie IC and Minamisoma IC, 7,300 vehicles/day between Soma IC and Shinchi IC, and 8,200 vehicles/day between Shinchi IC and Yamamoto IC.
  • Traffic volume in adjacent sections that had been open until now has increased by more than 30%
  • Travel time is reduced by approximately 21 minutes from Namie Town to Sendai City.
dateDaily traffic volume (vehicle/day)RemarksWeather *2
Namie IC-Minamisoma ICSoma IC-Shinchi ICShinchi IC-Yamamoto IC
Sunday, December 73,30010,00011,30024-hour trafficFine weather
December 8 (Monday)2,2007,0007,80024-hour trafficPartly cloudy
Tuesday, December 92,1006,6007,20024-hour trafficTemporary rain after cloudy weather
Wednesday, December 102,0006,4007,10024-hour trafficPartly cloudy
December 11 (Thursday)2,0006,3007,20024-hour trafficTemporary fine weather after cloudy weather
December 12 (Friday)2,4007,1008,00024-hour trafficTemporary fine weather after cloudy weather
Saturday, December 132,4007,9009,00024-hour trafficCloudy sometimes sunny
Opening for one week Traffic *12,3007,3008,200--
  • The traffic volume for one opening week is the average value from December 7 (Sun) to December 13 (Sat), 2014
  • 2 For weather information, describe the general weather conditions in Sendai City during the day (6:00-18:00) (from the Japan Meteorological Agency website)

Traffic conditions immediately after opening the Joban Expressway

  • Traffic volume in the open section of the Joban Expressway is 2,300 to 8,200 vehicles/day
  • Traffic volume in adjacent sections that had been open until now has increased by more than 30%
Image of traffic conditions immediately after opening the Joban Expressway

Travel time is reduced by approximately 21 minutes from Namie Town to Sendai City.

  • Travel time is reduced
    It takes about 21 minutes from Namie Town to Sendai City and about 13 minutes to Fukushima City.
    It takes about 7 minutes from Soma City to Sendai City.
Image image that travel time is reduced by approximately 21 minutes from Namie Town to Sendai City
  • Calculation method of travel time: For general roads, search results using route search software (calculated starting at 12:00 on weekdays).
    Expressway is the total travel time when traveling at a regulated speed.

Joban Expressway Overview

Joban Expressway is a Expressway approximately 352km starting from Tokyo and passing through Saitama, Chiba, Ibaraki and Fukushima prefectures to Sendai city, Miyagi prefecture.

Image of outline of Joban Expressway