Held result (2009) of business evaluation monitoring committee
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- Held result (2009) of business evaluation monitoring committee
March 13, 2009
The 2008 East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Business Evaluation and Monitoring Committee was held.
Reassessment of Hokkaido Transverse Expressway (Onuma-Kunisumi) and others (9 projects in total)
And ex-post evaluation of the Hokkaido Transverse Expressway (Takasu Asahikawa to Kenbuchi Shibetsu) and others (3 projects in total)
- Up to the agenda [PDF: 7KB]
- Committee list [PDF: 8KB]
- Document 1 (Proposed revision of the committee management guidelines) [PDF: 21KB]
- Document 2 (Status of revision of cost-benefit analysis manual) [PDF: 72KB]
- Document 3 (List of businesses to be evaluated and location map) [PDF: 51KB]
- Document 4 (Re-evaluation document) [PDF: 12MB]
- Document 5 (Ex-post evaluation materials) [PDF: 4.8MB]
- Document 6 (draft of correspondence policy) [PDF: 183KB]
- The proceedings summary [PDF: 744KB]
Based on the approval of the draft response policy by this committee, we submitted the response policy (draft) to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for the projects subject to re-evaluation, and reported the response policy to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for the projects subject to the ex-post evaluation. It was

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