Outline of Agreement with Japan Expressway Ownership and Debt Repayment Organization (March 31, 2006)

In the privatization of the four road-related corporations, from the perspective of respecting the autonomy of the newly established company, the former public corporation has traditionally received a unilateral order from the government to revise the method of constructing new Expressway, etc. Based on the "agreement" that the company concludes with the Organization, the new Expressway will be constructed.

  1. Agreement signing unit

    Nationwide network:

    East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd., Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd., or West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd. (formerly Japan Highway Public Corporation). Expressway (3 agreements)

    Regional route network:

    Designated by the Organization with permission from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the capital Expressway, the Hanshin area of Hanshin Expressway, Hanshin Expressway Kyoto area and Honshu-Shikoku contact Expressway (4 agreements)

    Expressway belonging to one line: (9 agreements)

  2. Details of each agreement
    Target Expressway route name, contents of construction done by the company, maximum amount of debt underwriting that the corporation will undertake to the company, loan plan of interest-free lending that the agency will provide to the company, loan to the company by the agency Details of road assets and the amount and period of loan, the amount of fee collected by the company and period of collection, etc.