About operation of construction contract contract for changes in wages

February 10, 2014
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

We inform NEXCO EAST that we will operate Article 25, Paragraph 6 of the construction contract as follows in order to deal with rapid changes in wages.

1 Target construction

Construction with a remaining work period of two months or more when requesting a change consultation (referred to as "slide consultation") in Article 25, Paragraph 6 of the contract

2 Timing of billing

If there is a change in wage level, you can make a claim before the next change in wage level.
Whenever the wage level changes, you can request a slide consultation each time.

3 Method of calculating the amount of change (slide amount) in the contract amount

The amount of change in contract amount due to changes in wage level or price level is one-hundredth of the amount of change amount related to the construction less the contract amount corresponding to the workable part on the base date. The amount exceeds the equivalent amount.

Both the orderer and the contractor will confirm the finished part on the reference date.

4 Handling of target construction under contract

NEXCO EAST 's contract manager will notify you of the contracted works under contract.