Expressway healing customers who use the highway ...
Brilliantly color the flowerbed of the interchange with "Takafuku Collaboration"

July 15, 3rd year of Reiwa
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office

On June 8, Regional Head Office planted flowers on the flower bed of the Morioka Minami Interchange as part of the CSR activity "Takafuku Collaboration" with the students of Iwate Prefectural Morioka Minami High School.
This initiative is an annual activity with Morioka Minami High School to create a relaxing space for customers using the Expressway
This year, about 850 red and blue salvias, which the students carefully cultivated from sowing, were planted in the flowerbed in cooperation.

Photograph of cooperating with students to plant flowers
Students will take care of the flowerbeds until September.
A photo of a signboard that introduces the flowerbed with beautifully planted flowers and the efforts of Takafuku cooperation
A flower bed of salvia has been completed at Morioka Minami IC!

NEXCO EAST together with local people to create a relaxing space that customers can easily use and refresh by using trees and flowers at interchanges and service areas. This was carried out as part of the "No Yasuragi Highway Garden ® Project" and Large employment opportunities for people with disabilities by using the Expressway
Going forward, we will continue to Expressway business and engage in CSR activities together with the local people.

What is "Flower and Green Peace Highway Garden ® Project"?

Rest facility We will convert the garden to a comfortable space that is easy to use, and we will develop a "highway garden" that aims to create regional characteristics and cooperate with the region, and provide customers with a more relaxing and healing space. It is a project that we are promoting for.

What is "Takafuku cooperation"?

NEXCO EAST, efforts that link "Expressway" and "welfare" are called "takafuku (happiness) collaboration."
It is a CSR activity that addresses social issues through the Expressway business, and contributes to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Goal 10 “Eliminating inequalities between people and countries”.

Image image of three logos of Takafuku cooperation, SDGs and SDGs goal 10 lined up side by side