[E18] Incorrect display of tunnel information board in Joshin-Etsu Expressway Oyama tunnel, Higurashiyama tunnel, Takadachi tunnel, and Happuyama tunnel

March 1, 2019 
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Kanto Regional Head Office (Saitama City, Omiya-ku, Tokyo), the 2019 March 1 (Friday) to 4:00 pm 19 minutes E18 Joshin-Etsu Expressway Oyama Tunnel, Higurashiyama Tunnel, Takadachi Tunnel, and Happuyama Tunnel, incorrect information "Prohibition from entering the tunnel" is displayed on the tunnel information board, causing trouble to many customers. We apologize for doing this.

1 Event

This event is E18 Joshin-Etsu Expressway Usui Karuizawa IC ~ Saku Oyama tunnel is between IC (vertical lines), Higureyama tunnel (In-bound line), high standing tunnel (In-bound line), Happuzan tunnel (In-bound in line), the tunnel information plate This is incorrect information, "Prohibition to enter the tunnel" is displayed for 9 minutes from 4:19 pm to 4:28 pm.

There is no fire at the site.

This has caused many customers an inconvenience.

2 Future action

We are currently investigating the cause of the incorrect display, and will take appropriate measures as soon as the cause is identified.