Issuing ETC personal cards

November 28, 2005
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Shuto Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hanshin Expressway Co., Ltd.
Honshu-Shikoku Expressway Co., Ltd.

East Japan Expressway Co., Ltd., Shuto Expressway Co., Ltd., Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd., West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd., Hanshin Expressway Co., Ltd. We will issue it and will inform you that the reception will start from the 29th.

1 Features of ETC personal card

The "ETC personal card" is an ETC card jointly issued by six companies so that customers who do not have a credit card contract can use ETC, and is a card limited to payment of toll charges on toll roads.

To apply, the main condition is that you have a regular savings account at the post office in your name and can deposit a deposit in advance.

The tolls used with ETC Personal Cards will be deducted from your postal savings account on a monthly basis. (The deposit is just a deposit for the issuance of an ETC personal card, not a prepayment that deducts the monthly usage amount.)

An annual membership fee of 1,200 yen (including tax) will be charged for each card to cover part of the cost of operating the card.

2 Deposit amount to be deposited

At the time of application, you must declare the expected monthly usage (average monthly usage of toll roads) and the maximum monthly usage (amount of the month when the toll roads are used the most each year).

Compare the amount calculated by rounding up the expected monthly fee in units of 5,000 yen (10,000 yen if it is less than 10,000 yen) by 4 times the amount by rounding up the maximum monthly usage amount in units of 20,000 yen. , The higher amount will be deposited as a deposit.

After issuing the card, we may ask you to increase the deposit according to the actual usage record.

Deposit calculation example: Expected monthly usage is 3,500 yen *1, Monthly maximum usage is 48,000 yen *2 in the case of
*1 3,500 yen → 10,000 yen x 4 = 40,000 yen
*2 48,000 yen → 60,000 yen
In this case, the deposit amount to be deposited is 60,000 yen Will be
  • The content of this service, including the deposit amount, will be tested for the next year or so, and may be significantly revised depending on the results.
  • For details such as "Flow from application to withdrawal" Attachment Please refer to.

Attachment: Regarding self-restraint in sales activities related to individual contracts (request)

1 Procedure flow

(1) How to apply
(2) Flow from card use to withdrawal

2 Major discounts applicable

By using ETC with an ETC personal card, you can receive the same discounts as when using an ETC card issued by a credit card company, such as ETC mileage service, midnight discount, commuting discount, early morning and night discount.

3 Suspension of use

In the following cases, use may be suspended.

  • If the cumulative amount of usage from the beginning of the month exceeds the deposit
  • If the amount used cannot be withdrawn
  • If you are unable to increase the deposit according to the usage record

For details, see " ETC Personal Card Terms of Use [PDF:190KB] Please see (attachment).

 If you stop using it, the opening/closing bar at the toll gate will not open even if you use your ETC personal card when using ETC. You must use a different payment method such as cash.

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