About closing of Hakodate construction office

March 19, 2013
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

We would like to inform you that NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo City) has decided to close the Hakodate Construction Office on March 31, 2013.

It opened as the Hakodate Research Office in 1990, and since the name was changed to Hakodate Construction Office in 1994, we have been working on the construction of the Hokkaido Transverse Expressway for 23 years. It will be closed.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the support and cooperation we have received over the years from the local community as well as the related organizations.

1 Closed office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office Hakodate Construction Office
(No. 36-26-3, Kikyocho, Hakodate)

2 Closure date

Sunday, March 31, 2013

3 Inquiries

After closing, the office below will take over the affairs.
For inquiries, please contact the following.

 NEXCO東日本北海道支社 室蘭管理事務所
 住所:〒050-0055  室蘭市崎守町316の3 (室蘭IC)


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