~Doto Expressway First practice at Yubari toll booth~

About conduct of crime prevention field training

July 9, 2014
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office Obihiro management office
NEXCO SUPPORT Hokkaido Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST Obihiro management office (Otofuke-cho) and the Corporation NEXCO support Hokkaido (Sapporo Atsubetsu Ward), the Doto Expressway in Yubari toll booth, by the cooperation of the Hokkaido police Sapporo direction Yubari police station, the peak season of Obon We will inform you about the crime prevention on-the-job training.

The purpose of this training is to verify the crime prevention system at Expressway toll gates, raise the awareness of crime prevention among toll gate staff, and to establish appropriate emergency measures and emergency contact systems.

1 Implementation date

Wednesday, July 16th, from 13:30

2 Implementation place

Doto Expressway Yubari Toll Gate
(5, 323, Momijiyama, Yubari)

3 Participating institutions

Hokkaido Police Sapporo area Yubari police station
NEXCO EAST Obihiro Management Office
NEXCO SUPPORT Hokkaido Obihiro Charge Division

4 Implementation contents

A criminal masquerading as a customer slammed a pistol at a person at the entrance to the toll booth, invaded the office and requested cash. After robbing cash, we will conduct simulated robbery training assuming that we will escape from the car that was parked.

[Reference] Photo taken at another tollgate
[Reference] State implemented at other toll gates