About arrest of illegal passers-by using ETC

NEXCO EAST will continue to firmly respond to illegal traffic-

September 17, 2006
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

Today (September 17), an illegal passer-by who abused the ETC system and was spared from paying the toll that he should have originally arrested by the Saitama Prefectural Police on suspicion of fraudulent use of a computer (Article 246-2 of the Penal Code) There was an announcement that it was done.

In this case, the suspect repeatedly repeats the act of illegally exempting the toll payment, which he or she originally should have paid, by installing an ETC on-board device in which information on the vehicle to which the toll charge lower than that of the actual traveling vehicle is registered is attached. As a result, we were arrested on the occasion of a report from our company to the Saitama Prefectural Police.

We believe that the arrest of a suspect who has committed malicious traffic will help ensure fairness in toll payments and prevent unauthorized traffic.

Our company has always taken the stance of "no unauthorized traffic" so as not to damage the customer's trust in the toll road business. We will continue to take a resolute attitude toward illegal traffic and will actively cooperate with police investigations to tackle illegal traffic.

The suspect will check the toll charges for approximately 300 illegal tolls and will charge a toll charge (twice the amount exempted) in addition to the illegal toll charge.