About the arrest of illegal passers-by who broke through the toll booth

Arrest of illegal passersby for the first time in Tochigi prefecture

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  • About the arrest of illegal passers-by who broke through the toll booth

October 15, 2007
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

On October 15, Tochigi Prefectural Police arrested an illegal passer-by accused of violating the Road Maintenance Special Measures Law at the Tohoku Expressway Sano Fujioka Toll Gate Announced. This arrest will be the first case in Tochigi prefecture to be suspected of violating the law.

The Road Maintenance Special Measures Law was amended in accordance with the privatization of 4 road-related corporations on October 1, 2005, and it violates the traffic method established by the Expressway company (authorized by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) and passes through toll gates. Criminal punishment will be imposed on the driver of the car or other vehicle.

The arrest was triggered when the suspect ran away without paying the fee at the toll booth and without the consent of the toll collector, so the Company notified the Tochigi Prefectural Police Expressway Traffic Police Corps. is.

Up until now, we have been working with a strong stance of “don't allow unauthorized traffic” by using unauthorized traffic surveillance cameras, etc. so as not to damage customers' trust in toll roads. We believe that the detection of suspects who pass the traffic will ensure fairness in the toll burden and deter unauthorized traffic.

Going forward, we will continue to take a strict and resolute attitude toward unauthorized traffic from both civil and criminal responsibilities.

In addition, the suspect in this case will be charged a surcharge (twice the amount exempted) to the illegally exempted toll, and will be charged three times the illegal exempted toll.