Expressway Business Regulations Chapter 2 Ways of passing through toll gates, etc.

Section 1 General

  • Safety obligations when passing through toll gates

    Article 8


    1. one Line up in each lane that we have designated to approach, and do not translate with other passing vehicles
    2. two Do not overtake or interrupt the preceding vehicle
    3. three Do not exceed the speed at which you can safely stop due to emergency instructions from our staff.
    4. Four Maintain a sufficient distance from the preceding vehicle
    5. Five If the open / close bar is operating, pass it so that it does not collide with it.
  • How to pass by ETC system

    Article 9


    2 ETCシステムを利用する運転者は、前項に定めるもののほか、次の各号に定める事項を守らなければなりません。

    1. one The same ETC card is used for the same on-board device (refers to the on-board device of Article 4, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Ministerial Ordinance) from entry to exit of the Expressway and exit, except when driving is suspended. Insert and keep ETC system available
    2. two When passing near the location where ETC communication facilities are marked with "ETC" at locations other than toll booths, follow the signs and other methods and follow the parallel running, overtaking, and shoulder driving in the same lane. Nothing

    3 当社は、料金所以外の箇所において「ETC」の表示があるETC通信施設との通信を要する区間を通行したETCシステムの利用者に対し、当該区間の通行記録の全部又は一部がETCシステムにないときは、第33条に定めるものを除き、利用可能な経路のうち、最も高額となる料金を適用します。

  • How to pass by people who do not use the ETC system

    Article 10


    2 第二節から第四節までの定めにおける用語の意義は、第2条に定めるもののほか、通行方法に定めるところによります。

    3 ETCシステムを利用しない運転者は、供用約款第8条第1項の規定にかかわらず、誤ってETC専用のインターチェンジへ進入した場合は、ETC専用料金所において、サポート車線に進入するものとし、開閉棒が設置されている場合は開閉棒の開閉にかかわらず開閉棒の手前で、未設置の場合は料金収受機等の手前で停車して、係員の指示に従ってください。この場合、みだりに車外に出たり前進又は後退したりしないでください。供用約款第8条第1項に定めるその他会社が定める車両の運転者がETC専用料金所を通行する場合も同様とします。

    4 ETCシステムを利用しない運転者は、前項及び通行方法の規定にかかわらず、誤ってETC専用車線に進入した場合、並びに供用約款第7条第1項の規定にかかわらず、誤ってスマートインターチェンジに進入した場合は、開閉棒の開閉にかかわらず、開閉棒の手前で停車して係員の指示に従ってください。この場合、みだりに車外に出たり前進又は後退したりしないでください。供用約款第7条第1項に定めるその他会社が定める車両の運転者がスマートインターチェンジを通行する場合も同様とします。

  • Restricted traffic

    Article 11

    If the vehicles that can pass through an interchange are restricted, the restricted vehicles cannot pass through the interchange.

    2 If there are restrictions on the times when you can pass an interchange, etc., you will not be able to pass the interchange, etc., except during the time when you can pass.

Section 2 Ways of Passage at Expressway Toll Gates with Entrance Ticketing

  • Receipt of toll ticket at entrance toll gate

    Article 12

    When passing through an entrance toll gate on an Expressway uses an entrance ticket, users must receive a toll ticket issued by the Company at the toll gate.

    2 In the preceding paragraph, if our company cannot issue a pass ticket for any reason, the user shall follow the instructions of our staff.

    3 Entrance toll booth to confirm the interchanges, etc. scheduled to leave at the request of the user and issue the designated exit ticket, or to collect the fee up to the interchanges, etc. scheduled to leave and issue the entrance certificate ticket In this case, the user must make a predetermined offer to the staff of the Company or pay the fee to the staff of the Company and then receive the ticket issued by the Company.

    4 The pass is valid only for the one time the vehicle is delivered and the vehicle is delivered.

    5 利用者は、交付された通行券を濡らしたり、折り曲げたり、汚損したり、書き込みをし、又は磁気に近づける等の行為を行ってはいけません。

    6 利用者は、供用約款第4条の規定に基づき、通行の間、出口料金所において回収されるまで通行券を所持しなければなりません。

    7 The user must not transfer or lend the ticket to another person.

    8 The user must obey any request from the staff of our company to present or submit the ticket.

    9 The user must return the pass ticket to a person in charge of the Company when it becomes invalid or is no longer needed.

  • Submission of toll tickets at the exit toll gate, etc.

    Article 13


    2 In the preceding paragraph, if the user performs any of the following actions in the preceding paragraph, in the fare type classification applicable to the vehicle, the entry from the exit toll gate, which is the highest fare, entered. We will charge you as a thing.

    1. one When you do not submit the pass ticket to our staff
    2. two When you submit a pass ticket whose details are unknown to the staff of the Company due to the acts set forth in paragraph 5 of the preceding article

    3 For those who cannot submit a pass ticket to our staff due to unavoidable circumstances, or who submitted a pass ticket whose details are unknown to the staff of our company, present a document to confirm the interchange etc. If we can authorize a section through which traffic has passed, regardless of the preceding paragraph, the charge considered as having entered from the interchange etc. will be applied.

    4 If the user who paid the fee specified in paragraph 2 due to the loss of the ticket, etc. discovers the ticket at a later date, the ticket and the receipt or certificate of use relating to the payment will be returned to the nearest fee. You can submit it to the office and request a refund of the difference between the fee already paid and the fee applied to the traffic, less the prescribed fee. However, if one year has passed since the day after the payment was made, it cannot be claimed.

第3節 単純支払方式の高速道路の料金所における通行の方法

  • Payment of fees at toll booths

    Article 14


    2 前項に定める、当該高速道路の料金を支払った際に、当社から通行証の交付を受けた場合の通行証の受け取り、提示等については、第12条第1項、第2項、第4項から第8項まで及び第13条の規定を準用します。その場合、これらの規定中の「入口発券方式」を「単純支払方式」に、「通行券」を「通行証」に、「提出」を「提示」に、第12条第6項中の「回収されるまで」を「提示するまで」に読み替えるものとします。また、当社から通行証の交付を受け高速道路の料金所を通行するときは、利用者は、通行証の記載事項に従い通行しなければなりません。

Section 4 Passing method at the ticket inspection toll gate

  • Submission of pass tickets, etc.

    Article 15

    When passing through the toll gate, the user submits the ticket issued at the entrance toll gate to the staff of our company at the toll gate and receives it again after the staff of our company confirms the stated items. Have to.

    2 In the preceding paragraph, if the user performs any of the following actions, at the exit toll gate, the Company shall determine the highest fee from the ticket inspection toll gate in the toll type category applicable to the vehicle. We will charge you as if you entered from the interchange.

    1. one When the user does not submit the ticket to the staff of our company
    2. two When the user submits a pass ticket whose details are unknown to the staff of the Company because the user has performed the act prescribed in Article 12, Paragraph 5.

    3 For those who cannot submit a pass ticket to our staff due to unavoidable circumstances, or who submitted a pass ticket whose details are unknown to the staff of our company, present a document to confirm the interchange etc. If we can authorize a section through which traffic has passed, regardless of the preceding paragraph, the charge deemed to have entered from the interchange etc. will be applied at the exit toll gate.

    4 Due to the loss of a toll ticket, etc., the user who received the new toll ticket provided in the preceding paragraph and paid the fee from the interchange etc. provided in the preceding paragraph to the toll gate at the exit tollgate will discover the toll ticket at a later date If you do so, the provisions of Article 13, paragraph 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Section 5 Questions by our staff

  • Reject question

    Article 16


  • Handling at toll booth offices, etc.

    Article 17

    In the handling from Article 9 to the preceding article, the handling that the staff of our company deems not appropriate to carry out at the toll gate, will be carried out at the toll booth office etc. according to the instructions of the staff of our company.

    2 If our personnel instruct you to move the vehicle from the toll gate to another location, you must move the vehicle according to the instructions.

Section 6 Unpaid Handling

  • Unpaid handling

    Article 18


    2 利用者は、前項の取扱いにおいて、当社の係員が所定の書面の記載事項を確認するため請求した場合は、車検証及び運転免許証等の証明書類の提示又は提出をし、また、未納となった事情に関する質問に答えなければなりません。

    3 利用者が民法第715条に規定する被用者として通行を行ったときは、当社は同条の規定により、当該利用者を使用する者に当該通行に係る未納金の支払いを求めることがあります。ただし、当該請求により利用者は支払い義務を免れるものではありません。

    4 user of the collective payment method or merger payment method Expressway If you did not pay part of the fee at the toll gate of, etc., of entering the interchange, such as side related to the toll Expressway was paid from the fee, such as in the order As a matter of fact, we shall treat the shortfall as unpaid.

  • Payment reminder

    Article 19


    2 前項の督促を行った場合は、利用者は、当該督促に係る手数料(以下「督促手数料」といいます。)を支払わなければなりません。

    3 第1項の督促時に当社が指定した納入期限(以下「督促納入期限」といいます。)までに支払いがない場合は、利用者は、当該未納金(割増金を徴収する場合は、当該割増金を含みます。)に対する延滞金(以下「延滞金」といいます。)を支払わなければなりません。

    4 督促手数料は、督促に係る郵送代とします。

    5 延滞金は、督促納入期限の翌日から支払いの日の前日までの日数について、年10.75%の割合(閏年の日を含む期間についても、365日あたりの割合とします。次項においても同じです。)で計算した額とします。

    6 前項の定めにかかわらず、利用者が、当社が指定する払込取扱票等(以下「払込取扱票等」といいます。)により未納金を支払う場合の延滞金は、督促納入期限の翌日から支払いの日の前日までのうち当社が指定する日までの日数について、年10.75%の割合で当社が計算した額とし、当社は、当該延滞金を払込取扱票等に記載するものとします。

    7 一括支払方式又は合併支払方式の高速道路等の料金所における第1項の取扱いは、前条第1項の取扱いを行った料金所を所管する当社又は他の会社等が行います。

    8 利用者が督促手数料及び延滞金の一部を支払った場合は、督促手数料、延滞金、割増金、未納金の順に支払われたものとして取扱うものとします。